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Worksome x Zapier

Learn how to connect Worksome with all your other favourite tools via Zapier and easily increase your workflow efficiency.

Tobias Dilling avatar
Written by Tobias Dilling
Updated over 10 months ago

Use Zapier to extend the power of Worksome by connecting and syncing data between Worksome and the other tools you use, like Greenhouse, Xero, Quickbooks or simply Slack and Google sheets or docs. Zapier offers over 5000+ apps to automate your work flows. Automated connections called Zaps, set up in minutes with no coding, can automate your day-to-day tasks and build workflows between apps that otherwise wouldn't be possible.

Currently supported features:

  • Trigger: New invoice - triggers whenever a new invoice is created in your Worksome account.

  • Trigger: New job - triggers whenever a new job is created in your Worksome account.

  • Trigger: New hire - trigger whenever a new contract is created in your Worksome account.

  • Trigger: New Trusted Contact - triggers whenever a new Trusted Contact is added to your Worksome account.

  • Trigger: Contract accepted by worker - triggers whenever a worker has accepted a new contract or changes on an existing contract.

  • Action: Create job - automatically create a job post in Worksome via a trigger from another tool.

Each Zap has one app as the trigger, where your information comes from and which causes one or more actions in other apps, where your data gets sent automatically.

This makes it super easy to sync your work flows: so for example when someone creates a new job post in an Applicant Tracking System like Greenhouse, it can automatically be created inside Worksome as well.

How to get access to Worksome’s Zapier integration?

Sign up for a free Zapier account and from there you can jump right in. You can find our integration on the Zapier marketplace here or simply search for "Worksome" when starting to create a Zap:

If you are interested in using our Zapier integration and need some advise, contact us at and we are happy to help you!

How to connect Worksome with Zapier?

Option 1: Add Worksome to your Zapier app connections

  1. Log in to your Zapier account or create a new account.

  2. Navigate to "My Apps" from the top menu bar.

  3. Now click on "Connect a new account..." and search for "Worksome"

  4. Use your credentials to connect your Worksome account to Zapier.

Option 2: Connect your Worksome account while creating a new Zap

When you create your Zap and choose to use an action or trigger from Worksome, the Zapier interface will ask you to connect to a Worksome account:

  • You will see Worksome’s login screen pop-up

  • Fill in your user name and password to log in

  • Click “Connect” on the next screen to give Zapier permission to access your account

Your Worksome account will then be successfully connected and can be used immediately for this and future Zaps you want to create via your Zapier account.

💡 Please be aware that if you use a Worksome user for the connection that is a team member of multiple accounts, then the Zapier integration will be able to access all of those accounts.

How to create a new Zap?

You can create new Zaps on Zapier by following their guide here. If you are looking for inspiration you can also check out our examples below or use one of your Zap templates.

Example 1: Using the “Create Job” action from Worksome

First you will need to choose a trigger from a different tool that will send relevant data to Worksome in order to create a new job post in your Worksome account.

Here are some examples:

  • Use the “New Job Post” trigger from Greenhouse to create a job with the same information in Worksome so you can broadcast it easily to your preferred sourcing channels

In the second step you simply choose the “Create Job” action from Worksome to activate based on your trigger event:

The only thing left now is to map the data inside the Zapier interface: you can easily select data from your trigger and assign it to the fields that will create the job inside Worksome and you are good to go with your Zap!

Example 2: Using the “New Invoice” trigger from Worksome

As the first step you choose Worksome and the “New Invoice” trigger in your Zap. Invoices get created inside Worksome as soon as a Worksome user approves a bill/timesheet from a worker. The trigger allows you to send all data connected to the new invoice to any other tool.

In the second step you now choose which other tool’s action you would like to trigger and send the new invoice data to.

Here are some examples:

  • Use the “Create Bill” action from QuickBooks Online or Xero to sync the Worksome invoice data to a newly created bill in your bookkeeping software. In this case a bill is understood to be an invoice your vendors (e.g. Worksome) send to collect money from you.

  • Use the “Create Spreadsheet Row” action from Google Sheets to add data from newly created invoices directly into a designated spreadsheet for your Finance team

  • Use the “Send Channel Message” action from Slack to post information about newly created invoice directly into a designated slack channel and keep your Finance team informed

The only thing left now is to map the data inside the Zapier interface: you can easily select data from your Worksome trigger and assign it to the fields that will take action your other tool of choice and you are good to go with your Zap!

If you have any more questions you can as always contact us via our live chat or email We are more than happy to help you get started 😊.

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