Customers can manage recruitment suppliers in their Worksome account. This way, Worksome will pay the staffing agency fees automatically to your trusted suppliers, so agencies no longer need to invoice you for margin.
Learn how to do this, here:
1. Getting started and click on "Staffing agencies"
Log into your Worksome account and click on "Staffing agencies" under "Talent" in your menu on your left.
Now you’re in your Staffing Agency's Preferred Supplier List (PSL) page in Worksome. This page gives you an overview of all of your staffing agency's contacts, their names and any tags. You can add and manage your staffing agencies from this page.
2. Click on Add staffing agency
A form will appear where you can put in relevant information about the staffing agency, and a message to go along with their invitation. For the full name, we recommend the name of the recruitment agency (if they have more than one agent) and not the agent personally that you are working with.
Tags are not required, but these are necessary for you to be able to sort and search for your staffing agencies at a later stage. Therefore it’s highly recommended that you take the time to add tags to your staffing agencies.
Click 'save' to invite your staffing agency contact. Your agency contacts will now receive an invite email to join Worksome so that you can attribute them to contracts. Worksome can then pay the margin and track ownership of the candidates for you!