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Talent Pool Filtering

Filtering your talent pool so you can have a better overview of the location, origin, business entity of your talent, and more!

Mara Ghencea avatar
Written by Mara Ghencea
Updated over 3 months ago

Talent Pool Table Filters

Talent Pool table filters improve finding the right contacts faster and more easily. They are designed to:

  • Make it easier for you to locate talent quickly.

  • Provide more accurate search results.

  • Show how contacts were introduced to your Talent Pool.

This guide walks you through the latest changes and how you can make the most of them:

Filter Breakdown

1. Location Filter

You can now filter your Talent Pool by Location (previously Country).

  • How it works: It displays all the locations of your contact list.

  • Default: It’s set to "All locations" by default, but you can select specific locations from a dropdown menu.

Filtering your Talent Pool by the location of the talent. Dropdown section on the right where you can see the locations where your ICs are based in. The default option is 'All Locations'.

  • Extra option: If you choose the United States, you can filter further by US states. Once you select the United States as the Location, you can filter by states by going to Filters > States > select the State you are interested in

The States dropdown for the 'United States' location choice.

2. Job Title Filter

You can also filter by job titles from the existing trusted contacts.

  • How it works: Simply use the search bar to look for specific job titles quickly.

    You can search the Title of the job by using the search bar on the top left corner of the page.

3. Origin Filter

The Origin filter tells you how the contact was introduced to your Talent Pool.

  • Invited: Contacts who joined via an invitation.

  • Added: Contacts that were manually added, for example, after being hired or submitted by a Staffing Agency.

Origin Filter which can filter based on how the contract was introduced in your Talent Pool. You have two options - invted and added. Invited is for contacts who joined via an invitation and added is for contacts that were manually added, for example, after being hired or submitted by a Staffing Agency.

4. Business Setup Filter

This filter allows you to search based on business setup, helping you understand your workforce’s structure.

The business set up filter which allows you to search your talent based on business setup, helping you understand your workforce's strcuture.

5. Currently vs. Previously Hired Filter

You can also filter your contacts based on their employment status with you:

  • Currently Hired: Shows active workers.

  • Previously Hired: Displays workers who were hired before, letting you quickly access their history for possible rehiring.

Currently hired or previously hired filter. Currently hired shows active workers. Previously hired displays workers who were hired before, letting you quickly access their history for possible rehiring.

6. Custom Fields Filter

You can now filter by custom fields defined for Talent Contacts (TCs).

  • Dropdown list: Choose custom fields from a list in the filter drawer.

  • Search: If the custom field is a text field, a search bar will appear for easier filtering.

  • Remove option: You can easily remove any custom field filter to change your search results.

Example 1:

Example 2:

Note: You need to have added Custom Fields to your jobs or Trusted Contacts to be able to filter your Talent Pool based on this. You can find out how to create Custom Fields here.

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